Thursday, September 1, 2022

Custom posters made easy with Canva’s poster maker


Custom posters made easy with Canva’s poster maker

Easy to create and customize

Eco-conscious, high-quality prints

Quick access from any device

Customer happiness guarantee

Stand out for the right reasons with a custom poster made and printed in Canva.

No design skills? No problem. Our drag-and-drop poster maker makes it easy to get the look you want. Print on high-quality sustainable paper and have it delivered to your doorstep for free.

Choose from hundreds of poster templates

Canva’s free poster maker has hundreds of templates designed by our team of professional designers. Templates are your shortcut to great design: You’ll have a custom poster in minutes.

We’ve got poster templates for every need—from concerts to retail, conferences and quotes. Or design from scratch to create something entirely unique.

How to make a poster

  1. Get started on Canva

    Open up Canva and search for "Poster" to start designing.

  2. Choose a template

    Find a poster for an open house, a business launch party, fundraiser, upcoming event, workshop or conference, art auction, grand opening, program announcement and more. Click on the template to start customizing.

  3. Personalize your poster design

    Begin with a template then play around with the design. Adjust the layout by rearranging the elements on the page, choosing a new color scheme or background, and experimenting with different fonts and color combinations.

  4. Get even more creative with more design features

    Make your poster truly stand out by adding more design elements. Browse through millions of free and premium images, photos, illustrations, icons and stickers and play around with filters, frames and grids.

  5. Order your prints

    Order high-quality prints of your posters through Canva Print and enjoy free shipping. Or, save your design as a PDF, JPG or PNG file.

Open a New Poster Design

Competitive poster printing rates

Avoid the hassle of dealing with a third-party printer. With Canva Print, your custom poster is taken care of from start to finish.

With a range of poster sizes, paper stock and finishes, you’re sure to get the look you want—and the price you need. With a minimum order of one, you can order as many (or as few!) posters as you need.

You can also publish your design as JPEG or PNG images, ready for uploading or emailing. Or, you can post your new poster straight to your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn followers.

All the images you’ll ever need, royalty-free

Canva is jam-packed with all of the images you need to make your poster pop. Our library has over 2 million photos, icons and illustrations—or you can upload your own in seconds.

Create your poster with friends

With Canva, you can invite friends, family, and team members to collaborate on your poster together. Whether you’re creating a poster for the office or the classroom, you can collaborate in real-time, see changes as they happen, leave comments, play with colors, and design together from any location, on any device.

Custom posters. No design skills needed.

Our online poster maker gives you the power of great design without the hassle of complicated design software—or the cost of a professional designer.

Start creating in seconds. There’s no software to download, and no new skills to learn. Simply pick a poster template, then add your details. When you’re finished, you can print your custom poster, download or share your design.


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